LED Lighting Sporting Fields Design and installation of LED Lighting for recreational and professional sports facilities
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Many factors go into selecting the right lighting system for sports complexes. The difference is in location whether indoor or outdoor as in both lighting has to be uniform and encouraging. If at a crucial point or strike the beaming lights hit onto a player's faces a game or match is lost. Good quality outdoor sports lighting should illuminate entire playing areas with low-mast or high-mast pole configurations depending on sports played.
Design and installation
For public stadiums or court’s decision should be taken by experts. If deciding on personal tennis or basketball court, then also a specialist is of utmost importance. The reason is placement of lighting which should not impinge on player's movements.
With more and more sports activities scheduled for late evening outdoor lighting has to be of recommended level and comply to the relevant Australian Standards to avoid glare or hit and miss lighting. Recreational or smaller sports activities normally consume 200 to 500 lux. Professional games with television coverage and larger spectator attendance require higher levels of lighting.
Experience counts
Sports lighting is fast becoming a highly challenge of quality, design, location and alignment of field or premises. LED lighting technology is fast gaining popularity due to its energy efficiency and long maintenance free life which is generally in excess of 50,000 hrs. Besides new technical trends, certain rules need to be followed for placement of outdoor sports lighting. The freestanding outdoor fixtures should not exceed a certain height depending on size and level of playing arena. Similarly a spill and glare control package should be fitted to protect spectators and players. Flashing lights that revolve or rotate or flicker should be avoided unless essential. A level playing/sports field is as important as skill and fitness of player.
We understand the specific lighting requirements
We design and install lighting relevant to the sport being played
Our lighting is compliant with the relevant Australian Standards
Yes. LED lighting has come along way in the last 10 years. More manufactures across the world are now focusing more on designing lights that are suitable for most sports and comply with the relevant standards.
Link to this articleNo. It is a bit more involved than that. You cant just go to Bunnings and buy flood lights as they will certainly be not suitable. A number of factors need to be taken into consideration prior to any lights being sourced and purchased.
Link to this articleThis is definitely a yes. Prior to ATTS undertaking any works, we get a lighting design done by a professional. We also look at the use and whether the sporting arena is used for training or competition level sports.
Link to this articleA lot of things must be considered before any lights can be installed. These are:
- Pole height & placement
- Glare factor
- Field usage
- Etc
Yes. LED lights are the more desired option today versus the more conventional lighting that was used previously. There are not only savings on energy consumption, but also the benefit of not having to change lamps on a regular basis. In the case of a power outage or arriving just before the game starts, there is no warm up period to get full illumination.
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